Saturday 24 January 2009


He who seek one thing, and but one,
May hope to achieve it before life is done.
But he who seeks all things wherever he goes,
Must reap around him in whatever he sows,
A harvest of barren regret.

p/s : we can't have all what we, prioritize the thing from the most important to the less important..get it one by one, time by time..not get it all in a same time.. ~mfadzlys~


High Importance/High Urgency
Tackle these project first.

High Importance/Low Urgency
Set deadlines for completion, and get these projects worked into your daily routine.

Low Importance/High Urgency
Find quick, efficient ways to get this work done without much personal involvement. If possible, delegate it to a "can do" assistant.

Low Importance/Low Urgency
This is busy and repetitious work, such as filing. Stack it up and do it in half-hour segments every week; get somebody else to do it; or don't do it at all. Before putting off until tomorrow something you can do today, study it clearly. Maybe you can postpone it indefinitely.

Friday 23 January 2009


Level 1: Position
(RIGHTS: People follow because they have to)
Your influence will not extend beyond the lines of your job description. The longer you stay here, the higher the turnover and the lower the morale.

Level 2: Permission
(RELATIONSHIP: People follow because they want to)
People will follow you beyond your stated authority. This level allow work to be fun.
Caution: Staying too long on this level without rising will cause highly motivated people become restless.

Level 3: Production
(RESULTS: People follow because of what you have done for the organization)
This is where success is sensed by most people. They like you and what you are doing. Problems are fixed with very little effort because of momentum.

Level 4: People Development
(REPRODUCTION: People follow because of what you have done for them)
This is where long-range growth occurs. Your commitment to developing leaders will ensure ongoing growth to the organization and to people. Do whatever you can to achieve and stay on this level.

Level 5: Personhood
(RESPECT: People follow because of who you are and what you represent)
This step is reserved for leaders who have spent years growing people and organizations. Few make it. Those who do are bigger than life.

~Developing the Leader Within You by John C. Maxwell~

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Leadership is 'INFLUENCE'

Salam..tadi baru beli 1 pakej buku..rm49.90 dpt 3buku skali..about leadership..baru bace sket tapi menarik..ditulis oleh John C. Maxwell(New York Times best-selling author of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of leadership)..
Nak cite sket je..pasal baru bace sket..haha..nanti bley mskkan lagi ble free..pasal mase tulis pasal buku ni, i'm at PICC(Putrajaya International Convention Center) kwn g interview utk biasiswa..erm,,berbalik kpd tajuk..buku ni menyatakan leadership is INFLUENCE..where leadership is about the ability to obtain followers..kalau setakat jadi pemimpin utk dpt nama, pangkat or jawatan, dikenali ramai, seseorg itu bkn seorg leader..seseorg itu blom layak jadi seorg pemimpin..
dalam buku ni jgk ade menyatakan 5level seorg leader..i'm juz finish read who is or what type of the 1st level leader..macam yg dinyatakan tadi..level 1 adalah utk seorg leader yg hanya mementingkn jawatan..pemimpin tersebut ada followers..tetapi followers yg terpaksa menuruti kehendak pemimpin tersebut kerana followers itu diletakkan kedudukan dibawah leader dlm jkm..i'm the president..i've my followers..but i'm not sure whether they work bcoz of my order or they want to work..that's matter i need to find..if they work bcoz they want to,,so i'm not a 1st level leader,but 2nd level..even not the best leader(level5),,at least i'm not order them to, i'm ready to learn more to be a level 5 leader..How about yourself people out there??Let's join me to be a better person and leader..
I'will update the information and knowledge that i get from this book later..Keep in touch with my blog.. ~mfadzlys~


Sunday 18 January 2009

TV Series yang mempunyai byk pengajaran..

Salam hormat dan salam pertama yang agak pelik..haha..tibe2 masuk pasal tv series..tapi tv series ni mmg byk bagi pengajaran kpd penulis setelah menonton cite2 tersebut..dan cite2 yg ditonton tu adalah drama series jepun..sepanjang penulis menonton byk tv series(termasuk la heroes, supernatural dan laen2), tapi cite2 tu x membawa apa2 pengajaran cuma yang membuatkan penulis tertarik sebab jln cite yang x dijangka..tapi laen plk tv sries jepun ni..dorg dapat buat cite yang mampu menarik minat org utk kukuhkan diri dlm pelajaran even kebanyakan jln cite adalah sama..yang berbeza cuma konsep penceritaan dan cara pengarah mengeksploitasikan teknik dlm membentuk seorang yg berkeyakinan dan tidak mudah putus asa dlm kehidupan..

Salah satu atu cite yang agak menarik minat penulis adalah 'CHANGE' iaitu cite yg mengisahkan seorang cikgu skola rendah yg terpaksa jadi wakil rakyat bagi menggantikan ayahnye yg meninggal akibat kemalangan..tapi die bkn sekadar jadi wakil rakyat tapi dipilih sebagai perdana menteri Jepun..haha..penah tak korg terpikir utk dpt jadi perdana menteri sekelip mata even korg tak penah ada pengalaman sebagai seorg pemimpin tertinggi..tapi semua tu komplot org lame dlm politik jepun utk menjatuhkan pemimpin baru..nak tau lebey lanjut tgk la cite ni..cite ni btol2 mengajar penulis apa itu pemimpin..cara bekerja, apa tugas seorang pemimpin sume dapat dipelajari dlm cite ni..i've the cd but skrg tgh dlm proses mempromosikan cite tu kt kwn2 yg jadi pemimpin tinggi..harapan agar kwn2 yg menonton cite tu dpt jadikan sedikit sebanyak pengajaran sebagai asas kepimpinan dorg..

Next cite 'DRAGON ZAKURA'..cite ni agk kasar cara die tapi tu adalah cara terbaik utk ubah mentaliti seseorg yg dah putus asa dlm pelajaran..contohnya dorg lebih rela hidup dgn undang2 yg telah digubal tanpa faham kenapa undang2 tu digubal..why they need to pay tax, why people doesn't accept people like them in life and why they always been cheated by intelligent person??seorg lawyer yg dihantar utk penstrukturan semula skolah yg dah nk hancur@tutup sbb tak cukup duit dan pelajar2 dorg dpt average skor dlm exam 36 tersebut telah menjanjikan bahawa tahun tersebut 5org pelajar skola tu akan dpt masuk Todai University(Universiti Tokyo) yg terkenal kt Jepun..nak tau cmne die ubah mentaliti org yg dah putus asa??cari cite ni..tak rugi malah dpt membantu anda mengubah mentaliti diri sendiri atau kwn2 anda yg mungkin mendapat result tak berapa baik berbanding org len..

Cuma peringatan, jgn terlalu taksub menonton byk cite sampai menggadaikan pelajaran anda..bile ada kelapangan dan tertekan jer digalakkan menonton cite atau membuat aktiviti laen sepeti bersukan..ia adalah utk mengurangkan tekanan dan menenangkan minda yg mungkin tgh berserabut dan mencergaskan kembali minda anda..Semua yg penulis nyatakan adalah sekadar pendapat dan pengalaman yg diperoleh dari kehidupan yg telah dilalui..Mungkin anda mempunyai cara yg lebih baik dari penulis..Teruskan jika itu mampu menjadikan anda seorg yg berjaya dlm pelbagai bidang dan kehidupan.. ~mfadzlys~


Dari friendster ke blogspot...

salam hormat n salam sejahtera kpd semua..ruangan ini dicipta bagi meneruskan jalan cerita dari blog friendster yg kurang aktif dan efektif sekarang ini..beberapa kisah menarik akan dimasukkan di dalam ruangan ini baik dari segi akademik, kepimpinan, aktiviti dan kisah2 manis dan pahit yg boleh dijadikan pengajaran dan pengalaman dalam kehidupan.. ~mfadzlys~